
Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens April 1, 2016

Runs 129 minutes

Marguerite (Catherine Frot) is a rich woman in 1920's Paris with a love for opera. In fact, she loves singing and performing for her friends. She holds small concerts for charity and always performs her favorite aria. She spends all of her time and effort on this trying to draw even a little attention from her husband who has other things on his mind. Of course, no one has the courage to tell her that she can't sing at all. In fact, people run from the room when she comes on stage. When she finally decides to put on a live performance for people outside of her circle, she hires a voice coach to get her ready for the performance. Now, her lack of talent will be on display for people who are not her friends. Will her husband, friends and voice coach let her carry out her fantasy to fruition or will someone step up to stop her before it is too late?

This is based on the real life story of Florence Foster Jenkins which makes it even more fascinating. Catherine Frot gives a fabulous performance as a women with too much money and too little talent. I really liked this film. I would hope that I would tell my friend that singing was not her forte but Marguerite was raising money for charity and her inner circle didn't see the harm until it was too late. If you like unique foreign films, this might be for you. Go see it.

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