Love & Mercy

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Saw a Premiere at DIFF

Opens June 5, 2015

Runs 120 minutes

This is the story of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys and his journey through mental illness. As a young singer/songwriter he (Paul Dano) along with his brothers, sang catchy pop songs. But, in his head, he heard all kinds of songs and arrangements and possibly voices. He was a true tortured genius. He chose not to go on the road but to stay home and write music. At odds with his overbearing father, he still tried to do music his way. He married and had children and a career but slowly headed toward a nervous breakdown. After his breakdown (now played by John Cusack) he became a patient of controversial Dr. Eugene Landy (Paul Giamatti) who eventually kept Brian almost a prisoner in his own home while Landy controlled his every move. Luckily, he met Melinda Ledbetter (Elizabeth Banks) who cared enough to help him get out from under Dr. Landy, reunite with his family and find love again, with her and his music.

This is a fascinating movie. I never really knew this story about Brian Wilson. I went into the movie expecting lots of music and maybe some surfing or something. There is music in the first half and all of the songs bring back memories. But the second half is heart-breaking. I am so glad that he was able to overcome his illness and get back to the music. Paul Dano and John Cusack both give Excellent, nuanced performances. Paul even has to play piano and sing. He's really great. Paul Giamatti was the perfect smarmy Dr. Landy. This is a pretty amazing story and a pretty good film, too. For fans of the Beach Boys, this is a must see. Stay for the credits to see Brian sing the title song.

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