Life, Animated

Parental Rating: PG

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 22, 2016

Runs 89 minutes

Owen Suskind was a normal 3 year-old when suddenly his verbal and motor skills began to decline. Eventually, he became non-verbal. The family soon learned that he was autistic. They were determined to break through to him. And, they were able to do that through the use of characters and situations in animated Disney films. Owen saw his life through these characters and his parents were able to relate to him using this. Now, Owen is grown up, graduating from High School, dating and moving into a supervised apartment complex on his own. He is a capable young man because of his parent's unrelenting determination and Walt Disney.

This is a really good documentary. It never speculates as to what triggered Owen's autism. The parents get the diagnosis and jump right in to try to bring their son back. The film uses home video, movie clips and other animation to tell Owen's story. It is interesting, funny and inspirational. And, Disney even let them use clips from all of their animated films which they rarely do. I really liked this film and if you are a fan of documentaries, then you should go see it!


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