Les Cowboys

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 22, 2016

Runs 104 minutes

In France, the Ballard family loves county fairs and country music. They always go to the Fair as a family and dance to the band. When the daughter goes missing at the Fair, the family begins a frantic search for her. However, they soon learn that she has converted to Islam and left to live with her Arab boyfriend. Dad Alain (Francois Damiens) refuses to believe his daughter would voluntarily leave and he puts everything he has into finding her and bringing her back to the family. He even engages his son Kid  (Finnegan Oldfield) into helping him in his quest. This only leads to further tragedy.

I think I expected a little more from this film. I thought it was good but something was missing. The audience knows that the daughter is ok because she writes to her family. So, I guess I was expecting some shocking terrorist plot or something. But no, this was more of a family drama - how the Father's search tears the family apart. We never learn much about why the daughter converted or much about her boyfriend. There was a lot of potential in this film. In the end, it was haunting and tragic. In typical French fashion, there were still a lot of unanswered questions. Not bad, but not great. Maybe a matinee?

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