Late Night

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens May 14, 2019

Runs 102 Minutes

Katherine Newbury (Emma Thompson) is the dame of late night television. Unfortunately, she is too smart for her own good and refuses to give in to the current trends of reality stars and social media. She has been told that her contract will not be renewed. Her husband Walter (John Lithgow) is not surprised when he hears the news. He thought she knew her show was bad and just didn't care. Well, Katherine cares. She takes a trip to the writing room and realizes that she doesn't really know most of her writers. And, all of them are white males. She decides they need to hire a woman to liven things up and make Katherine more relatable. In walks Molly (Mindy Kaling), a chemist who tells jokes over the intercom at the chemical plant. She is hired as a diversity hire and thrown to the wolves. But, Molly's eternal optimism and ability to relate to Katherine soon makes her invaluable. Molly might just shake things up enough to help Katherine save her job and break through the writer's room glass ceiling at the same time.

This movie is hilarious. The Husband and I loved it. Emma Thompson is such a great actress. She can produce the withering stares and the acerbic comebacks like the star she is. She also looks fabulous and has a fabulous wardrobe in this film. Mindy Kaling wrote the screenplay based on some of her experiences in the writing room. She is really good in this movie and her screenplay feels authentic. The "boy's club" in the writing room is fun to watch. They don't know what to make of Molly joining them. But, once she proves she belongs, they are all game to work with her. We laughed a lot and really enjoyed this film. One of my favorite films of the summer, so far. Go see it.

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