Land Of Mine

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens March 10, 2017

Runs 100 minutes

During World War II, Germany occupied Denmark. The Germans felt that the Denmark coastline was a threat for invasion and placed thousands of landmines under the sand along the beach. At the end of the war, Denmark used German POW's to clear the beaches of these active landmines. This is a fictionalized account of the young German soldiers who were forced to clear these landmines before they could go home at the end of the war. Sergeant Carl Rasmussen (Roland Møller) is in charge of the young Germans. He is angry at the Germans and displeased with his assignment at the end of the war. He oversees the German soldiers as they disarm the mines. He pushes them hard but soon comes to see them as the young boys that they are. He starts to befriend them but that only makes it harder as the landmines take their toll on the young soldiers. Will any of these young POWs make it back home to Germany?

This movie was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the this year's Oscars. It was by far my favorite of the foreign fims even though it lost to The Salesman. This story is gut-wrenching and tragic. In the final frames, it is disclosed that approxiamtely 2,000 young POWs helped to clear these landmines at the end of the war. Of those, only about 1,000 made it home. Most of these soldiers were still boys. This is a little known story but it is definitely worth being told. Highly recommended. Go see it!

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