Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter

Parental Rating: PG

Contains: Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens March 27, 2015

Runs 105 minutes

Kumiko (Rinko Kikuchi) is a lonely Japanese girl with a pet rabbit named Bunco that apears to be her only friend. She is bored by her job and ignored by her co-workers. One day she discovers an old VHS tape of the movie Fargo and she is convinced that the suitcase of money that was hidden at the end of the movie is still waiting to be discovered. With nothing to lose and no planning, she heads to Minnesota on a quest to find the hidden treasure from Fargo. Things do not go exactly as planned.

This movie sounded really good. I thought it was a great idea for a story. In the end I just felt really sorry for this poor girl. It was absurdly funny in parts but at other times, I just wanted her to ask for help. She was so determined to find the treasure that she wouldn't listen to reason.  And, the ending was a little strange -  I guess it fit the rest of the movie. Anyway, I hope Bunco is not still riding the Japanese subway by himself (if you see the movie you will understand). If you like really offbeat movies, this might be for you. Otherwise, maybe skip it.

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