Kill The Messenger

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens October 9, 2014

Runs 112 minutes

This movie is based on the true story of journalist Gary Webb (Jeremy Renner). Gary uncovered what he thought was a plot by the CIA to arm Contra rebels in Nicaragua and fund the whole thing by importing cocaine into the United States, thus starting the crack epidemic among the black community in Los Angeles. He wrote the story and for a while was considered a darling of the industry. But, inconsistencies in his story began to leak and there was never a definitve link between the CIA and the cocaine trade. Gary was soon smeared and vilified by his fellow journalists. He was eventually driven to commit suicide, leaving a wife and children behind.

This is a really fascinating movie. Gary always stood behind his story and never regretted publishing it. However, he was basically blackballed from journalism when everything fell apart. Jeremy Renner does a great job. He is intense, nervous, conflicted. He loves his family, but he seems to put the job first. It finally all gets to him. If you like movies based on interesting historical stories, this is a good one. 

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