In Secret

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens February 21, 2014 in Dallas

Runs 102 Minutes

Based on Emile Zola's novel Thérèse Raquin, the movie is set in working class Paris in the 1860's.  Elizabeth Olsen is Thérèse, who is left unwanted with Madame Raquin, her aunt (Jessica Lange) when she is a young girl. She is forced into a loveless marriage with her spoiled and sickly cousin, Camille. Spending her days working in her aunt's shop and her nights watching her aunt and friends play dominos, she leads a very dull existence.  Until she meets Camille's old friend Laurent (Oscar Isaac). They begin a torrid affair right under everyone's noses.  Lunchtime trysts leave them yearning for more until events turn tragic. However, it is living with the consequences that result in their eventual downfall.

This is a costume drama.  The acting is good, especially Jessica Lange. It is a pretty good movie, but just so drab and depressing. I would have liked just  little more happiness for everyone.

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