Holmes & Watson

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens December 25, 2018

Runs 90 minutes

Holmes (Will Ferrell) and Watson (John C. Reilly) are out to catch Moriarty (Ralph Fiennes) and save the Queen (Pam Ferris). Hilarity ensues along the way.

This movie is really stupid. The jokes fall very flat and the humor is often anti-Trump and even anti-American. Why is that funny? The one funny part is the original song that Holmes and Watson sing to each other while Watson is in prison. That did make me laugh. The rest just made me cringe. Not very funny, not original and very predictable. I would skip this one. Of course, I didn't think Step Brothers was funny, either....

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