Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 22, 2016

Runs 107 minutes

Dinesh D'Souza tackles the history of the Democratic Party and Hillary's ascension to becoming the Democratic nominee for President.

Dinesh was actually at the screening that we saw. He answered a few questions after the screening and he seemed very sincere in his concern that most Americans do not understand the true history of the Democratic Party, from it's founder Andrew Jackson (himself owner of many slaves) through the Civil Rights Era and right up until current day. The audience (obviously very anti-Hillary) was very receptive to the film (our screening was sold out and apparently most of the other showings were, too). In fact, the film ended with the singing of the National Anthem and the entire crowd stood throughout the song. Very patriotic. 

We enjoyed the film. We did think that some of the re-enactments about slavery, the Ku Klux Klan and other things were a little too long. However, from a historical perspective, the film was very informative. The only problem is that the people who really need to learn about this probably won't go see this movie. About the last third of the film was devoted to Hillary. The most interesting tidbits concerned the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons sure seem a little shady. Anyway, this was a pretty good documentary. it should be required viewing before you go vote. Very eye-opening. If you love Hillary, then you probably won't go see this. If you don't, then this will only reinforce your negative opinion and maybe give you some talking points to discuss with your friends. Go see it.

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