He Named Me Malala

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens October 9, 2015

Runs 87 minutes

This is the story of Malala, the teenage Pakistani girl who was shot in the head on her school bus as she stood up to the Taliban and continued to go to school. The movie follows her story and her family, from the origins of her name to her outspoken stance on education for girls. And, from her speech to the UInited Nations to the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize. It is a story of hope and empowerment.

Malala's story is definitely worthy of a documentary. I just didn't think this was a great movie. I would have preferred a more straightforward story. This movie jumps back and forth in time and uses animation to tell parts of the story. I could have done without the animation. But, Malala and her family are inspiring and great examples for the cause of education, particularly for young women who are overlooked or forced to the sidelines in many countries. This is a story of perseverance. It needs to be told. As the movie states, "Let us pick up our books and our pencils. They are our most powerful weapon". Malala stands for that. Not a bad movie, I just thought it could have been better. Still worth a look.


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