Hardcore Henry

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens April 8, 2016

Runs 90 minutes

Jimmy (Sharlto Copley) has created a technology that can rejuvenate dead tissue and make it nearly indestructible. He works for Akan (Danila Kozlovsky), a pychotic, albino Russian who wants to use it to create an army of super soldiers resurrected from the dead. Jimmy realizes that this is a bad idea and ends up paralyzed in a wheelchair. Enter Henry - who is dead. Henry's wife Estelle (Haley Bennett) uses this super technology to bring Henry back to life with no memory. This leads to a war between Akan and Jimmy with Henry in the middle. Violence and nausea ensues.

This movie comes with a motion sickness warning. And beware!!! It is filmed entirely from the perspective of Henry, as if he had a go-pro on his head (which he probably did). It is very jumpy. I don't like movies like this. You never see Henry's face and the whole movie is very jerky. I gave it points for being original but there is really no plot to this movie. And, almost everyone winds up dead. There is no one to really root for and it takes until the end of the movie to really figure out what you have been watching. If you like feeling nauseous, then this might be the film for you. Otherwise, not one of my favorites.


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