God's Not Dead

Parental Rating: PG


Jill's Review

Opens March 21, 2014

Runs 113 minutes

Kevin Sorbo plays Atheist professor Jeffery Radisson, so smug in his denial of God that he makes his students sign a pledge that God is Dead to avoid any further discussion of the topic and to pass his class.  Josh Wheaton is a freshman and devout Christian who cannot sign this declaration, even for a passing grade.  This leads to a confrontation with the Professor who issues a challenge:  Josh must debate the Professor in front of the class and if and only if he is able to sway his fellow classmates that God exists, he won't get a failing grade.

This movie was obviously made for Believers but it is well made and does allow for some opposing viewpoints to be expressed.  There are some other subplots that keep the movie interesting.  I thought the end was a little too obvious and convenient but overall this is a great faith-based film.  Go see it.  God's Not Dead!

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