Ghostbusters (2016)

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 15, 2016

Runs 116 minutes

Ghosts have invaded Manhattan. Paranormal scientists Abby (Melissa McCarthy) and Jillian (Kate McKinnon) are in their element. They band together with physics professor Erin (Kristen Wiig) and subway worker Patty (Leslie Jones) to save Manhattan from destruction. With eerie apparitions and lots of green slime, these women and their receptionist Kevin (Chris Hemsworth) use all of their resources to send the evil back to where it belongs.

This movie was a disappointment. I think my expectations were just too high. All of the women were fine. The movie was funny in parts. There were some great one-liners but the overall movie just wasn't that funny. It felt almost forced. And, it really dragged in the middle portion. Nacho Kim and I both agreed that we thought it would be funnier and that it felt really long. There were some really funny cameos (short cameos). Thor, I mean Chris Hemsworth was a hoot but his part was too small. He was great in the credits when he really let loose.  Such a shame not to see more of him. So, overall we felt a little let down. It is hard to compete with a classic and this reboot struggles to hold it's own. Not bad, just very average. I liked Central Intelligence and Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates better. But, if you were a fan of the original you sould probably go see it just because.

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