Ghost in the Shell

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens March 31, 2017

Runs 106 minutes

Major (Scarlett Johansson) is a human saved from a terrible accident and cyber-enhanced to become the perfect soldier. She can perform great feats and can become almost invisible in her shell. When a terrorist group begins to use technology that can hack into people's minds and control them, she is deployed to stop them. Along the way, she discovers that she was never in an accident, her life was stolen from her. Out for revenge, she works hard to discover her past and stop the people who did this to her.

I didn't love this movie. I thought it was a great concept and visually great to look at. The rest I thought was just average. Scarlett Johansson was fine. But, since she was playing half human, half cyber-enhanced machine she was supposed to be a little mechanical and she was - very monotone and unemotional. I know - that's how she was supposed to be but it left me cold. I liked most of the other characters. At least they provided a little energy to the film. If you ever saw the original and were dying to see this, then by all means go see it. You will probably like it. If you haven't, then I would say, save your money and maybe see a matinee. Not worth the 3D IMAX treatment.

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