Get On Up

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens August 1, 2014

Runs 138 minutes

Chadwick Boseman is James Brown in this Biopic about the Godfather of Soul. This movie jumps between James hard upbringing and his eventual fame. He was born into extreme poverty. His mother (Viola Davis) leaves the family when he is just a boy and his father (Lennie James) eventually turns him over to his Aunt Honey (Octavia Spencer) when he joins the Army. Aunt Honey runs the town brothel and James is put to work luring clientele into the brothel. Eventually, James ends up in prison for stealing a three-piece suit. There he is introduced to gospel music. One of the singers, Bobby Byrd (Nelsan Ellis) performing for the prisoners takes pity on James and agrees to let him come live with his family when he is paroled out. James and Bobby begin a long and complicated friendship and musical adventure together. Eventually, James becomes the headliner and star.

Chadwick Boseman is funk-tastic as James Brown. He struts, swaggers and dances up a storm. He has charisma to spare and he should definitely be included on the short list for an Oscar. The rest of the cast is great, too. Especially Nelsan Ellis as Bobby Byrd. He just lights up when he performs. He gives depth to his performance and you can understand why Bobby stood by James longer than anyone. This is a good movie. It glosses over a lot of the drug use and women, just barely touching on these issues. But it doesn't paint a glowing portrait either. It does focus on the music and the music is great! And did I mention Chadwick's dancing... I say go see this movie!

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