Get Hard

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Violence    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens March 27, 2015

Runs 100 minutes

James King (Will Farrell) has it all, lots of money, a partnership in a brokerage firm and a gorgeous, young fiance. Then he is arrested for securities fraud and sentenced to 10 years of hard time in San Quentin. He mistakes Darnell (Kevin Hart) for an ex-con and hires him to prep him to serve his time. The only problem is that Darnell owns a car wash business and has never had so much as a parking ticket. He consults his cousin Russell (T.I.), who has served time, to help him with a game plan for James. Darnell turns James' Bel Air mansion into a mock prison, with his house and yard staff serving as guards. Then he proceeds to harden James for his prison stint. Will James even make it through his training? Is he even guilty?

This is not a great movie, but it is very funny. It is crude. There are plenty of sexual and racial stereotypes. But, it made me laugh, a lot. Will Farrell and Kevin Hart are game for just about anything and they play off each other really well. There are parts that will make you cringe. Will Farrell has his contractually obligated naked scenes, but they are pretty funny. I guess these kinds of movies must now have at least one scene of male genitalia. The scene is pretty gratuitous, but you can't help but laugh. If you like will Farrell and Kevin Hart and are prepared to laugh and cringe at the same time, then this is the film for you. Don't take the kids!!!

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