
Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens Apri 15, 2017

Runs 113 minutes

WWI has just ended and Germany is grieving the many soldiers killed in this conflict. A young German woman named Anna (Paula Beer) had been engaged to Frantz but he did not make it home from the war. Now, she lives with Frantz's parents and is still bereft from her loss. The whole family is. Then, Anna spies a mysterious Frenchman at the cemetery putting flowers on Frantz's grave. The French were  still not very welcome in Germany so Anna finds this very strange. However, the Family soon invites Adrien (Pierre Niney) over to find out why he is in town. He explains that he and Frantz had been friends and soon the family is warming up to him and enjoying listening to him talk about their son Frantz. But, all is not exactly what it seems. Adrien may be looking for something from Frantz's family that they cannot provide him.

This is a beautifully shot film. It is mostly in black and white. But, certain parts become saturated in color to provide extra emphasis and feeling. Nice touch. The actng is great and the main characters are very compelling. This is a foreign film and it does take its sweet time winding to the ending. There is a plot twist but it happens early. Then, you keep expecting something really big to happen. But, that is not this film. Small revelations play out - just enough to keep you engaged. I really enjoyed it. The Husband fidgeted the whole time. Too slow for him. So, if you like arthouse fare, then this might be for you. It is expertly made and well-acted. If you are more into action movies, then maybe skip this one.

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