Florence Foster Jenkins

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens August 12, 2016

Runs 110 minutes

Florence Foster Jenkins (Meryl Streep) is a rich patron of the arts, particularly of the musical variety. She loves attending concerts. She also likes performing for her indulgent friends who all fail to tell her that she can't carry a tune because they are afraid she will discontinue her financial support. She dreams of being a famous opera singer. Her loving husband St. Clair Bayfield (Hugh Grant) enables this fantasy to keep her happy. Afterall, she is only performing for their very accomodating friends. But, when she decides that she will perform at Carnegie Hall, then things get serious. She hires a vocal coach and an accompianist, Cosme McMoon (Simon Helberg) and begins training in earnest. Only, nothing can help Florence's terrible, screeching singing voice. As the Carnegie performance nears, all evryone can do is hope for the best and plug their ears.

This movie is based on true events. It is a sweet film. It takes place in 1944 during war time. There are serious elements and some very funny parts. Only Meryl Streep could pull off an endearing performance of the most tone deaf woman ever! Simon Helberg as McMoon was a true find. His facial expressions, especially when he first hears Florence sing, are priceless. He actually plays the piano. Who knew he was so talented. And, this is Hugh Grant's best performance in years. All around great casting. This is a very good film. The only problem is that Florence's singing is so bad it actually starts to grate on the viewers nerves. But, that is a small gripe. A very interesting story. Worth seeing.

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