Fifty Shades Darker

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens February 10, 2017

Runs 118 minutes

Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) is back. She has a new job working for a publishing house and is living on her own. Not for long. Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) wants her back, sending her flowers and showing up to woo her. He says he has changed and is ready for a real relationship. Only, an old submissive named Leila (Bella Heathcote) is stalking Anastasia and Christian's Mrs. Robinson Elena Lincoln (Kim Basinger) is acting pretty jealous. Can Anastasia trust that Christian has really changed? 

First of all, I probably shouldn't have seen this film. It is definitely a little heavy on the sex and graphic nudity. I will say that this installment is much better than the first one. It is less kinky and the characters are actually falling in love so there is some romance and happiness (unlike the first installment which just seemed cruel and packed with lots of S&M). If you are a fan of the trilogy, then you will probably see this and find it adequate. There are plenty of groaner lines. But, everyone looks gorgeous and the film is watchable. There is very little plot to this one. I guess the third installment will have a little more of the thriller element to it. Anyway, not as terrible as the first one. See it with a girlfriend, not a first date!

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