Father Figures

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens December 22, 2017

Runs 113 minutes

Peter (Ed Helms) and Kyle (Owen Wilson) are twins who learn that their mother Helen (Glenn Close) has been lying to them for years about the identity of their father. They decide to hit the road to try to find him and maybe spend some time together along the way.

I'm not going to waste a lot of time on this one. I thought it looked like it could be funny. I like Owen Wilson and Ed Helms. I was sorely disappointed. It turns out that Helen was a bit of a player and had a lot of beaus back in the day. The boys track down Terry Bradshaw, Ving Rhames and even Christopher Walken. The film is just not funny. (I will admit that the bit with the tranquilizer gun was funny, but not much else). Why wouldn't their Mom just save them the trouble and tell them the truth? Who knows? Not worth spending your time or money on this one.

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