Don Verdean

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens December 11, 2015

Runs 90 minutes

Sam Rockwell is Don Verdean, a "Biblical archeologist" or so he says. He makes a living speaking and doing book signings at churches that will have him. Along the way, he is hired by Tony Lazarus (Danny McBride), a small town pastor who wants Don to work exclusively for him. He wants Don to use his sources in the Holy Land to find important relics to share with his parishoners in hopes of increasing attendence and getting a leg up on Pastor Fontaine (Will Forte) down the road. So, Don calls up his Israeli source Boaz (Jemaine Clement) and they begin to import relics. Before long, Don is slightly embellishing the truth about his relics which leads to comic consequences.

This movie wasn't hilarious but it did make us giggle quite a bit. And, we were still giggling in the car on the way home. It is an interesting look at religion, relics, the state of the Church and other things. It isn't dark or mean, it just pokes a little fun. This is a small movie with a great cast. Even Amy Ryan shows up as Don's secretary. It is written and directed by Jared Hess (who brought us Napolean Dynomite) and it is defintely cute and quirky. We laughed and had a fun time. Maybe rent it one night when you want a slightly different kind of comedy.

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