Dirty Grandpa

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens January 21, 2016

Runs 102 minutes

Jason Kelly (Zac Efron) is an attorney at his Father's firm. He is engaged to fellow attorney Meredith (Julianne Hough) and they are in the final stages of wedding planning. When Jason's grandmother passes away, the family gathers to support their grandfather Dick Kelly (Robert DeNiro) even though they haven't been that close in years. Then, Dick tricks Jason into driving him to Florida for Spring Break right after the funeral and right before the wedding. Chaos ensues.

Parts of this movie are funny and parts are just way too profane. For such a smart person, Jason is tricked into doing some really stupid things. I think this type of movie would be funnier with the less is more approach. I think they just tried to push the envelope a litle too far. I have a hard time watching Robert DeNiro playing a sex-crazed maniac. Anyway, if you love Zac Efron (and you definitely get to see A LOT of him) and Robert DeNiro, then this might be for you. Otherwise, you can probably wait for late night cable.

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