Deliver Us From Evil

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    

Jill's Review

Opens July 2, 2014

Runs 118 minutes

Eric Bana is Detective Ralph Sarchie who is investigating a series of disturbing crimes involving three Iraq War Veterans. Each crime is just a little creepier than the last one. There appears to be more at work here than just human wickedness. Enter a Jesuit Priest (Edgar Ramirez) who says there are demons involved in these crimes and they must be exorcised. Eventually, the two team up to find the demons and stop the crime spree.

This movie is not getting great reviews but I thought it was a decent scary movie. It is supposedly loosely based on NYPD Detective Sarchie's memoir of the more than 20 exorcisms he has attended. Apart from that, there is a definite creepiness to this movie. There is an evil portal and horrible bloody words carved in people's torsos. There is a great scene at the zoo. Eric Bana and Edgar Ramirez take their parts seriously and do a good job. If you like scary movies (supernaturally scary, anyway) with lots of gore and great hissing (those creepy demons) then you should give this a try. Not Oscar material, but it should keep your interest until the end.

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