Darkest Hour

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens December 8, 2017

Runs 125 minutes

It is 1940 and Winston Churchill (Gary Oldman) has begrudgingly been elected Prime Minister. The war is raging and Hitler is rampaging through Europe. The war is not going well, the English troops are about to be stranded on the coast of Dunkirk and Churchill is facing a tough decision. The peace lovers in Parliament want to negotiate with Hitler, Churchill thinks they should stand and fight to the death while members of Churchill's own party want him ousted after only about two weeks in office. England is facing its "darkest hour" and Winston must rally a nation to fight for liberty and freedom and everything England stands for against unbelievable odds. 

The Husband and I both really liked this film. Gary Oldman is terific as Churchill. He is unrecognizable. He just becomes Churchill. I'm sure he will be nominatd for an Oscar for this role and he deserves it. (The only comment the Husband had was that sometimes you couldn't understand everything he said. Supposedly Churchill mumbled a lot and so did Gary Oldman sometimes.) Kristin Scott Thomas as Clementine Churchill was really good, too. It was nice to see their relationship and how she nutured him, even when he was being a bully. He was also very funny. It was nice to see a movie that showed such a well-rounded view of Churchill and what he was facing as WWII was raging and England had to make the call to go all in. If you like true stories/biopics, then this is definitely for you. Very well done. Go see it.

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