Central Intelligence

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Nudity    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens June 17, 2016

Runs 114 minutes

Calvin Joyner (Kevin Hart) was Mr. Everything at his High School - The Golden Jet. Star athlete, Prom King, "Most Likely to Succeed" and overall nice guy. He goes on to college, marries his high school sweetheart Maggie (Danielle Nicolet) and becomes an accountant. As their 20 year reunion approaches, Calvin starts to feel as if he didn't live up to his potential. Then, he friends a stranger on Facebook and Bob Stone turns his life upside down. Bob Stone (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) was a total nerd in High School. He was the one everyone picked on. Calvin was the only person who was nice to him. Now, he works for the C.I.A. (but still loves Unicorns) and he needs Calvin's help. Or is he using Calvin for his own nefarious reasons? Calvin must team up with Bob and try to stay alive long enough to save the world from destruction.

The Husband and I loved this movie. We were cracking up at everything. The Rock is hilarious and his chemistry with Kevin Hart was fantastic. The tagline was pretty appropriate - A Little Hart and a Big Johnson. Ha! The language is pretty bad and there is a long naked scene from the back of the Young Bob (played for comic effect, so very funny). But, overall, a very funny buddy comedy. I liked that they made the Rock kind of a normal person in an awesome body (with extraordinary fighting skills, of course). And, the movie wraps up with a nice touch on the effects of bullying. Good for teens and adults. Very humorous with a plotline that keeps you involved and guessing. Some really nice cameos - I don't want to ruin it for you so you have to see the movie to find out who makes a cameo appearance! Go see it!

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