Cartel Land

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Sex    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 17, 2015

Runs 98 minutes

This is a documentary about two different vigilante type groups fighting the Mexican Drug Cartels - one in Mexico and one in Arizona. Due to the corruption of the Mexican government, the Autodefensas has created their own band of protection against the cartels. They travel from town to town attempting to drive out the bad guys and restore order and civility. Their intentions are good, but even the good guys have their weaknesses. The Arizona paramilitary group is led by an Army Veteran. His group mostly patrols the border and tries to keep the cartels from getting into the United States. Again, he is trying to do the right thing but probably going about it in the wrong way. The movie compares and contrasts these groups and the Mexican and American people who are affected. 

This is an interesting film about a very large problem. These groups hardly make a dent in stopping the cartels. If the border and Mexican Drug Cartels are of interest to you, you might find this movie fascinating. It is easy to see why so many Mexican people flee into the United States if they live in an area infiltrated by the Cartels. But, these vigilante groups will not solve the problem.

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