
Parental Rating:

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens January 16, 2015

Runs 133 minutes (way too long)

A nuclear plant in China is cyber-sabotaged. Soy futures are sent sky-rocketing by cyber-terrorists in New York. Luckily, a Chinese official, Dawai Chen, notices that the code used in the attacks is based on code he and his roommate wrote at MIT. He is sent to America to work with the FBI and team up with his old roommate to help thwart these cyber-terrorists. The only problem is that his old roommate, Nick Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth) is serving hard time in prison for hacking. An arrangement is made and Nick is furloughed from jail to help catch these cyber criminals. Dawai's sister Lien is sent with her brother (supposedly she is some kind of networking guru) so Nick will have a love interest later in the movie. Will they be able to stop the terrorists before their next attack??

The plot sounds pretty decent, right? Great idea, very currernt. But the movie was like watching paint dry. Great cast. Viola Davis shows up as the lead FBI investigator trying to keep Nick under control. She has very little to do. No one really knows what is going on. When the Chinese characters speak English (which amazingly they all do) you can't understand half of what is being said. IP address blah, blah, blah.  System integration blah, blah, blah.... Trainer Joe said the movie was good for dinner and a nap. Tha Husband was disappointed, too. We were all looking foward to an intense cyber crime movie. This was just dull. And, then it was just ridiculous. Suddenly, a hacker relased form jail turns into a crack shooter and a ninja fighter? Ha! Anyway, this movie was not nearly as good as it could have been. Go see something else.

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