Black Souls

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens May 8, 2015

Runs 103 minutes

This is the story of three brothers in Italy, raised in a Mafioso family. Two of the brothers stayed in the family business while the oldest brother, Luciano, chose to work as a shepherd and raise his family away from the business. But, you are never really out of the business. Luciano's son Leo is enamored of his uncle Luigi and sees himself as a burgeoning gangster. He spends time with his uncle and feels important. When the uncle brings Leo back to the Farm, certain business rivalries raise their ugly heads. Soon, the family is embroiled in a turf war that will cause devestation to the entire family.

This is a slow boiling movie that is based on a true story. It takes quite a while to set up the whole confrontation scene. It is a little difficult to follow as the subtitles are very quick and there are a lot of peripheral characters. But, you can follow the main plot and it is a doozy. Didn't wind up exactly as I was expecting. Interesting film. It is probably more realistic than American mafia movies. If you are intrigued by the mafia, this might be for you. I liked it and would recommend it but it is slower with less action than I anticipated.

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