Black or White

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Drug Use    

Jill's Review

Opens January 30, 2015

Runs 121 minutes

Elliot Anderson (Kevin Costner) and his wife have been raising their bi-racial granddaughter Eloise since their daughter died in childbirth. Eloise's father Reggie (Andre Holland) has been in and out of prison for drugs and has not been a part of his daughter's life. In fact, Elliot holds him responsible for his daughter's death. When Elliot's wife dies in a tragic accident, he is left to raise Eloise alone. Reggie's mother Rowena (Octavia Spencer) just wants to be a part of Eloise's life. But Elliot is so angry and griefstricken that he ignores Rowena's efforts to spend time with Eloise. This leads Rowena to sue Elliot for custody of Eloise stating that he is depriving her of her relatives and her heritage. Both parties really want what is best for Eloise but soon she is torn between both sides of her family as they are forced to confront some of their darkest feelngs about race and family.

This is a really good movie. Kevin Costner is very sympathetic even as he drinks his grief away. The cast is fantastic. You can tell that everyone wants to do what is right but they have a lot of issues to work out before they can reach that point. The film does let the viewer see some of the cultural biases that exist between people of different races. I think it is handled very well and ultimately a form of forgiveness is reached. I liked this movie and I say go see it!

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