Bitter Harvest

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens February 24, 2017

Runs 103 minutes

Bookended by a love story between Yuri (Max Irons) and Natalka (Samantha Banks), this movie is based on the true story of the Holodomor, the death by starvation that Stalin inflicted on the Ukraine in the 1930's. We follow Yuri and Natalka as children, playing together in the Ukrainian countryside and attending church together. As they get older, their love blossoms. As Stalin tries to exert his power over the Ukraine, Yuri is forced to head to Kiev to work in a factory while Natalka stays behind to care for her ill Mother. When Yuri learns that the Russians have implemented starvation tactics to get the Ukrainians to submit to Communism, he knows he must get home to his true love before it is too late. 8 to 10 million Ukrainians die of starvation as Yuri travels home, hoping that his true love is not one of the dead.

Ok. I didn't know this story. The Husband and I thought the story was fascinating. But, the movie was not. The best I can say is that it was very earnest. It was serious and slow. This type of epic war film should be majestic and have big battle scenes. For some reason, this movie seemed to be very low budget. The acting was average, at best. Although, Terrence Stamp as Yuri's grandfather, provided some class. Some things that happened seemed impossible. Anyway, if you are fascinated by historical films, then you might want to see this. Otherwise, I would skip it. It was just so slow and heavy handed. A good story that was not given the attention that it deserved. 

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