Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Drug Use    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens November 18, 2016

Runs 110 minutes

Billy Lynn joins the Army for complicated reasons. He is soon sent to battle. When he performs a heroic act and it is caught on camera, he immediately becomes a hero. Soon, his squad is sent on a Stateside victory tour of sorts which culminates at the halftime of a Dallas Cowboys game. The glitz, glamour and fireworks combine to bring back all kinds of memories as Billy reflects on his war experience.

Based on the best-selling novel, I thought this film was fairly engrossing and entertaining. It was obviously meant to contrast the horror of war with the ordinary lives of regular people. How should people treat returning war heroes or even other soldiers when they really have no idea what happens in battle? I thought the movie seemed just a little cheesy in places. But, then again that was probably the absurdity of the whole situation you were supposed to feel. I thought it was weird that they didn't get any NFL licensing rights and couldn't use real uniforms, logos or cheerleaders (even though they refer to the Dallas Cowboys). It felt very fake, especially as a Cowboys fan! Performances were fine. Some people are saying this is an anti-war film. I didn't especially feel that way. However, it does reflect the danger and tragedy of war. If you iked the book you will probably be ok with the film. It is not as good as the book but it is adequate.

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