Big Eyes

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens December 25, 2014

Runs 105 minutes

Based on the true story of Margaret Keane (Amy Adams), a single mother and painter in the 1950's. She was on her own trying to support a young daughter with her art when she met Walter (Christoph Waltz), a charismatic man who also claimed to be an artist. He was attentive and seemed to get her artwork. They were quickly married. As her paintings began to sell, he convinced her that they would sell much better if he claimed to be the painter. Afterall, it was the 1950's and who would believe a woman could paint? She went along and the paintings of waifs with "big eyes" became very successful, selling all over the world. When she finally got her voice and wanted it to be known that she was the actual artist, he would not allow that. Eventually, she took him to court to prove that she was the true artist and to get her share of the credit.

I liked this movie. Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz were perfect for the roles. He was especially crazy good. It was a fascinating story of control and manipulation. He was the front man and she stayed home painting. In the 1950's it was much easier to take credit for someone else's work. There was no internet to check people out and/or put yourself out there. It was a different time. You'll have to go see it to see how it all ended. So go see it!

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