Bad Moms

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Nudity    Sex    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 29, 2016

Runs 101 minutes

Amy (Mila Kunis) is at the end of her rope. She has two kids, Jane (Oona Laurence) and Dylan (Emjay Anthony) and an emotionally stunted husband Mike (David Walton). She has a demanding job, she cooks, she shuttles the kids and she attends the PTA meetings. As Amy says the only thing she is good at is being late to everything. She is overworked and under-appreciated and on the verge of a breakdown. She meets some fellow moms, Carla (Kathryn Hahn) and Kiki (Kristen Bell) who feel the same way and together they decide to liberate themselves from their eternal quest for perfection and just let loose for a little while. Of course, this sets them on a collision course with the Busy Body PTA President Gwendolyn (Christina Applegate) and her minions Stacy (Jada Pinkett Smith) and Vicki (Annie Mumolo). May the best (or worst) mom win.

I really liked this movie. I guess I was just looking for something light and really funny. This movie pokes fun at every stereotype - perfect mom, stressed mom, single mom. It is VERY raunchy (it is NOT for kids) but that is mostly from language (once you get past the full-frontal nudity on the internet - pretty brief). There is some nice social commentary on what it means to be a perfect Mom vs. a "bad" Mom. But, mostly it is just laugh-out-loud funny. All of the actresses are good especially Mila Kunis. She is the center of the film and she is great! Anyone who is a Mom will probably relate to something in this movie. It is a riot. Stay for the credits when all of the leads appear with their own Moms. A nice touch to end the film. Go see it. 

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