Avengers: Age of Ultron

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens May 1, 2015

Runs 141 minutes

The gang is all back and at the beginning of the film, they journey to reclaim Loki's Sceptre from Strucker's lair. Once they have it, Tony Stark/Ironman (Robert Downey Jr.) can't resist seeing what makes it tick. With Bruce Banner's (Mark Ruffalo) and Jarvis' (Paul Bettany) help, he discovers that he can use the sceptre to create a peacekeeping type shield that will protect all of the planet. Unfortunately, he accidentally releases Ultron, an evil robot-like villain with Artificial Intelligence (voiced by James Spader) instead. And, back at Strucker's lair, the evil twins, Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) have been deployed to help take down the Avengers. As Ultron evolves (and multiplies) it becomes apparent that he will stop at nothing short of destroying the planet. The Avengers must use every available super power to try to stop Ultron and the Evil Twins and save the world.

There is too much going on in this movie. I like each character. The interaction between them is fun and entertaining. But once the action picks up, it just gets to be too much.The middle of the film seemed to drag under the weight of all of the fighting. It was loud and just too much to watch for as long as it lasted. I think I just enjoy the single character films better. I did like the addition of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. And, I always love Ironman. He seems to be the heart and humor of these films. Anyway, it is not a bad movie. There is just a lot to focus on and not much time spent on any one character, with the exception of Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) - nice development for his character. So, it will probably still make a billion dollars and you will need to see it to keep up with all of the other franchise films. So, go see it but don't spend extra for the 3D. And, you only have to stay part way through the credits for a quick glimpse at a future character. 

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