As Above, So Below

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens August 29, 2014

Runs 93 minutes

A group of young explorers venture into the catacombs beneath Paris to search for the Philosopher's Stone. Instead they uncover dark secrets best left undiscovered.

When the group comes upon the inscription "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here", they should have just left. This movie is filmed with a hand held camera. It is shaky and jittery for the whole movie. If you like that kind of thing, then this is the movie for you. It will leave you feeling grimy, nauseous and claustrophobic (I think that was the intent). I just had to look away a few times not because it was scary, but because the camera was too jumpy. There was very little horror, just a lot of climbing, digging and slogging through water. The whole thing didn't really make much sense. I love scary movies, but not this one. Skip it.

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