
Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens November 11, 2016

Runs 116 minutes

Louise Banks (Amy Adams) is a language professor teaching college classes. One day, when twelve alien vessels suddenly land across the globe, Louise is recruited by the government to help communicate with the aliens. Along with mathematician Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner), Louise is rushed to the closest "Heptapod" in Montana. There, she and a team of scientists try to communicate with the aliens to determine why they have landed on Earth. As tensions rise across the globe, Louise and Ian do everything in their power to discover what these aliens want before global war breaks out, even if it might cost their own lives.

I am not a science fiction fan and I wasn't particularly excited about this movie. Boy was I wrong. This is one of the best movies of the year. Amy Adams carries the film with her pitch perfect performance. She is smart and contained. You can see all of her emotion in her eyes. Jeremy Renner and Forest Whitaker are both excellent, as well. I don't want to say too much more about the film because the whole story is much better if it unfolds as a surprise. Let's just say that the film is not so much about the aliens, but about humanity as a whole. How things are perceived and remembered really matter and how we use our words can lead to war or reconciliation. You will want to discuss this film for hours afterward. I will probably see it again because I am sure that I will have a whole new perspective the second time around. Round up some friends and go see this movie.

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