An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

Parental Rating: PG

Contains: Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens August 4, 2017 

Runs 98 minutes

This is the follow-up to Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth. It picks up 10 years later to discuss the progress made in the area of climate change. It ends with Al Gore working to get the Paris Climate Accord signed by all parties.

The film seems more like an infomercial for Al Gore to drone on and on. The film follows him as he teaches people about climate change. Then it follows him to the polar ice caps so he can watch them melt. Then, it follows him to the Paris Climate Change summit where he personally gets everyone on board. Al Gore can do everything (he did invent the internet, so we've been told). The main problem is that there are no facts. He justs talks and shows pictures of terrible storms. He doesn't follow up on any of the issues he laid out in the first film (with the exception of an exaggerated clip on hurricane Sandy). The film is just all Al Gore talking. Obviously, depending which side of the issue you fall on, you might like or dislike this film. But, regardless of where you stand, this film lacks depth. Unless you love Al Gore, just stay home.

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