A Quiet Place

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens April 6, 2018

Runs 90 minutes

A strange event has hit Earth and people are now hunted by creatures with no other sense than their ability to hear. This forces humans to live in complete silence or face death at the hands of these creatures. The movie starts at Day 89. The Abbott family (Evelyn (Emily Blunt), Lee (John Krasinski), Regan (Millicent Simmonds), Marcus (Noah Jupe) and Beau (Cade Woodward)) is in town scavenging for medical supplies. They walk on sanded paths in their bare feet to avoid making any sounds. They speak only in sign language. On the way back to their home, tragedy strikes. Jump ahead 400 days. They have fallen into a routine. But, they know trouble still lurks outside if they make a sound. And, now Evelyn is pregnant. Can Evelyn and Lee bring a baby into this world without a sound? Can they even protect their other children, who live in fear every day?

Wow! I LOVED this film. It is tense, suspenseful and scary. And, super creative and original. It is not your typical horror film in that people are picked off one by one. Rather, these people live with the fear that they could be picked off any day. It is also a study in parenting and what lengths parents would go to to protect their children. Emily Blunt is amazing. She can convey any emotion with just her eyes. The kid actors are pretty great, too. Millicent Simmonds is deaf and plays a deaf child in the movie. This only adds to the terror because she can't even hear the creatures coming. Just wow!. It is different going to a film with very little dialogue. It is very quiet. Don't take any crunchy treats or your neighbors may be looking at you funny. John Krasinski directs the film and his real life wife. He gets everything and more from her. What a great job. I really liked this movie. I am a huge horror film fan and I thought this was very well done. It should appeal to horror fans and non-horror fans alike. Just be prepared to have elevated blood pressure for 90 minutes!  Go see it!!

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