A Ghost Story

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens July 21, 2017

Runs 92 minutes

A man (Casey Affleck) dies leaving his wife (Rooney Mara) bereft and alone. He comes back as a white-sheeted ghost, with gaping, blank eye-holes, to try to re-connect with her.  He wanders their old home, watching new people come and go, hoping to be re-united with his wife.

There are definitey two camps in regards to this film. One thinks it is deep and profound - about love, loss and the passage of time. The other thinks this film is a waste of time. I am in camp #2. The film has very little dialogue. Rooney Mara mourns her husband's death. She spends 10 minutes eating a whole pie. Then moves on with her life. Casey mopes around in a sheet for the remaining 80 minutes of the film. Even when there were other people in the film, they were just irritating. There was a party scene and a man was telling a story about how things don't really matter because the world is going to end anyway. The whole time, all I could stare at were his underarm stains. It was gross and distracting. I could barely listen to him. Obviousy, I didn't like this movie. I usually love Rooney Mara and Casey Affleck. Not this time. Skip it.

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