5 Flights Up

Parental Rating: PG-13


Jill's Review

Opens May 7, 2015

Runs 92 minutes

Alex (Morgan Freeman) and Ruth (Diane Keaton) have lived in Brooklyn since before it was cool. They live 5 stories up with no elevator. They are getting older and worry about getting up the stairs. Their little dog struggles with that, too. So, their pushy niece (Cynthia Nixon) persuades them that the time is right to sell their apartment. They put it on the market and have an open house. Chaos ensues along with a bidding war. They rush to find a new apartment with an elevator. But, can they bring themselves to actually sell their beloved home 5 Flights up in Brooklyn?

The Husband and I really liked this movie. Who would have thought to pair Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton? They are great together. This was the funniest that I have ever seen Morgan Freeman. This is a light and sweet movie. Not a lot really happens but the chemistry between Morgan and Diane is terrific. We did keep wondering why they woiuld ever sell this terrific apartment when they would just have to turn around and buy an even more expensive new one, but don't let that worry you. Just go with the movie and have a good time. We really liked it. Very funny and touching. And (SPOILER ALERT), if you are an animal lover, don't worry too much about the dog. He lives to see another day..... Go see it.

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