47 Meters Down

Parental Rating: PG-13

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens June 16, 2017

Runs 89 minutes

Lisa (Mandy Moore) and Kate (Claire Holt) are sisters on a trip to Mexico. Lisa's boyfriend has just ended their long-term relationship because he was bored. Kate wants Lisa to spread her wings a little and have some fun. They go out dancing and meet some cute guys. The guys invite them to go out on a boat and swim with the sharks. After a few drinks, the girls agree. When they show up the next day, they are little skeptical when they see the run down old boat, the rusty shark cage and the grizzled Captain Taylor (Matthew Modine). What the heck, they go anyway. Javier (Chris Johnson) dumps some chum in the water and the guys take the first pass in the shark cage. Awesome sharks! Then the girls jump into the shark cage. Beautiful fish and huge sharks. When the cage slips a little, the girls are ready to come back to the surface. Only, the cable breaks and they end up 47 meters below the surface on the ocean floor. Will they be rescued or eaten by the very sharks that they had been admiring???

This movie is pretty much just what I expected. It jumps right into the action after only about 10 minutes. Then, it doesn't let up with the tension until the very end. Of course, there are the typical cliche items: the cute guys that the sisters barely know, the rickety old ship and the rusty shark cage and the warning from the hotel not to go on random excursions with people you don't know. But, let's get in a shark cage and call the sharks! Ha. I thought it worked pretty well actually. The sharks looked big and scary. There were several instances which made you jump and a few that made you scream under your breath. I don't plan to get in a shark cage any time soon. Mandy and Claire were great as sisters and divers. You really felt like they were at the bottom of the ocean. Very well filmed. Not quite as good as the Shallows, but a nice addition to the shark terror oeuvre. If you like a little high blood pressure and a little red blood doesn't scare you, then go see this. It is a fast-paced and fun summer flick.

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