22 Jump Street
Parental Rating: R
Contains: Language Violence Sex Drug Use Adult Content
Jill's Review
Opens June 13, 2014
Runs 109 minutes
The Korean church is sold so the undercover department moves across the street to the Vietnamese church at 22 Jump Street. Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) are once again sent back to school, only it's college this time, to catch the campus drug dealer. This movie is very self-aware and makes fun of itself and the characters constantly. The fact that it is a sequel is a running joke and a pretty funny one at that.
So, this is basically the same movie as 21 Jump Street, but in college. It is hard to say that it is a good movie, but it is hilarious. Channing and Jonah have the best chemistry. And Ice Cube gets to do what he does best...rant! My only gripe is that the language is just so bad. It doesn't need to be because these guys are funny no matter what they are doing. Stay through the credits because they are the funniest part of the movie. I was laughing out loud! If you liked the first one, then head to the theatre to see this! Very funny.
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