13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens January 15, 2016

Runs 144 minutes

The American Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens (Matt Letscher) is in residence at the makeshift embassy in Benghazi. It is located about a mile from the CIA Annex. Due to budget constraints and who knows what other reasons, the Ambassador has very little security. As the anniversary of September 11 nears, there are dire warnings of possible attacks. At the CIA Annex, a team of 6 heavy-duty contractors provide the security for the Station Chief and his team. These contractors are all ex-CIA, ex-Seals or ex-Marines and are the toughest of the tough. When the embassy is attacked by terrorists, they immediately gear-up and are raring to go to the rescue. They are told to stand down by the Chief, but eventually they head out against his orders. They are too late to save the Ambassador, but they soon realize that these terrorists are headed to the Annex and they must rush back to protect all of the Americans stationed there because no other help is on the way. In the 13 hours of fighting, these 6 men showed courage and bravery beyond what any normal person can imagine. Four American lives were lost during this attack, including the American Ambassador, but without the courage of these 6 brave American soldiers, there would have been heavy casualties. This is the story of those brave soldiers and their duty to do the right thing and protect as many Americans as possible.

This is an over-the-top action-packed thriller and it is a true story. Without being overtly political or really calling anyone out, it still points a direct finger to the current Administration and their lack of foresight. It really made me pretty angry that we would station an Ambassador in a location that dangerous without the proper security. It really made me admire these 6 brave soldiers and their ability to face overwhelming odds and look death right in the face. They were incredible soldiers and people need to go see this film so they can understand some of what we currently face with ISIS and their terrorist organization. This was a great movie - it was tense and nerve-wracking and bloody. It makes you proud to be an American with such brave men who serve our country. Go see it.

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