12 Strong

Parental Rating: R

Contains: Language    Violence    Adult Content    

Jill's Review

Opens January 19, 2018

Runs 130 minutes

This is the true story of the first team of Special Forces soldiers deployed to Afghanistan after 9/11. Captain Mitch Nelson (Chris Hemsworth) is on leave as he transitions to a desk job when he sees the twin towers hit by airplanes. He immediately asks to be reinstated to active duty and recruits a team to head to Afghanistan. He and his fellow soldiers must meet up with General Dostum (Navid Negahban), an Afghani Warlord, overtake the Taliban and clear the way for the rest of our troops to be able to land in-country. And, they must do most of this on horseback. This is the amazing true story, only recently de-classified, of a group of soldiers who go above and beyond in their service to America.

This is a pretty good movie. The Husband and I liked it. The comraderie between the soldiers was evident and the cast, including Chris Hemsworth, Michael Pena, Michael Shannon and even Rob Riggle all did a great job. It was action-packed. Sometimes, the battle scenes seemed to carry on a little too long and you couldn't really tell who was who. But, I'm sure it was a little confusing to the soldiers, as well. It was definitely hard to tell who to trust. Anyway, the story in and of itself is pretty amazing and the fact that these guys had to ride horses across this rugged terrain for three weeks was pretty amazing. A nice story of a group of American heroes. Definitely worth seeing, so go see it.

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